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To Join call: 954-294-7366

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         THANK YOU ALL
for the tremendous response to our festival !
 TIX SALES are closed .... WE ARE AT CAPACITY 


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We are extremely pleased to announce that our

guest orchestra will be the talented St. George

Adult Tamburitza Orchestra from Cokeburg, PA

St George Tamburitza Orchestra.PNG

Please  join us for a weekend of Music, Dance, Great Food and FUN !!!!!

We are pleased to announce that LIVE tamburitza music will be provided by the Sunceri Tamburitza Orchestra all 3 days.

The talented Joe Kirin, Paula Poskon, John Miksich, Joyce Crumbo, Tony Kambic and Edo Sindicich will be playing

all 3 days.

To make sure that we have non stop music we also have the extremely popular DJ Matt Deroko ( Premier Events South Florida ) to play your favorite songs all weekend also.


UPDATE: We have chartered a bus to take people

from both hotels to the boat cruise and back.

Pickup time will be 6:15 pm

Cost of the bus is 10 dollars roundtrip

You prepay at PURCHASE EVENT Tickets


Thank you to our 

Guest Orchestra  Canada National Capital Region Croatian Folklore Ensemble " Croatoan" from Ottawa Canada



You all are the nicest and most fun group of people we could have ever met.


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Tamburitza Practice 11 12 2018  week 7 (

              Tamburitza Music Festival

              January 13, 14, & 15   2023


Friday 1/13/23   3 hour Boat Cruise in Ft.         7:30 pm            Lauderdale Food &         

 $65                   Live Tamburitza Music


Saturday 1/14/23   Concerts with Guest            6:00 pm                 group  St. George Adult           $25 admission      Tamburitza Orchestra from                                    Cokeburg, PA. Dance with   

                              Live tamburitza band &

                              dinners will be available                   

Sunday 1/15/23    BBQ Lamb Picnic &               12:00 pm               Dance

$10 admission


Tamburitza  Music Practice's

Every Monday Starting  September 24, 2018

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


TO JOIN CALL:954-294-7366




 Croatian American Cultural Center 


  849 SE 8th Ave, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441




Tamburitza Music Lessons: Ages 9 yo and up


Music Instruction book $30

Lesson Fee: $20 per month



We have 19 instruments to loan out 

Music Stand

Guitar Strap


New Instruments

Walter Naglich 724-838-7615







Anyone interested in tamburitza lessons and kolo lessons and all parents and supporters  of the South Florida Tamburitza Orchestra  and Kolo Group  are invited to  help us organize.

 We are forming a Tamburitza orchestra  and kolo group in south Florida. This will be the only group of its kind in Florida and the only group in existence in the southeastern United States. 


 Tamburitza music pronounced Tahm-boo-ree-tsa, is the name for the family of stringed folk instruments native to Croatia. While native to Croatia, the Tamburitza is also the common folk instrument throughout Vojvodina, parts of Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.


 The Kolo is danced primarily by people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and White Carniola region of Slovenia. Many variations of Kolo dances are normally performed at weddings, social, cultural, and religious ceremonies. Kolo's may be performed in a closed circle, a single chain or in two parallel lines. Both men and women dance together, however some dances require only men to dance and some dances are only for women.

 The Kolo dance is accompanied by traditional instrumental music (bearing the same name), performed most often with an accordion, but also with other instruments: frula (traditional kind of a recorder) and tamburitza instruments.


We are forming a Junior Tamburitza & Kolo group for children and young people in the age range of 7 to 21 and an adult group for  people 18 and over. You are never too old  to  enjoy the dancing and playing. We have had members up to  92 old young.

 The groups will learn to play, dance and sing the songs of the regions. No musical training is necessary  since we will teach everyone who wants to join how to read  music and then play it on the various tamburitza instruments.


 The dance groups will be taught various types of dances from the regions to accompany the orchestra. Everyone will be taught to sing the songs of the regions with classes on pronunciation and meanings of the words.


 We are looking for anyone of any age who would like to participate and anyone who has musical, dance or vocal training of any kind, would be of great help to us. This group is starting from scratch so we currently are looking for tamburitza instruments from the region to acquire for our members, either through donation or purchase ( donations would really help).

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